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Showing posts from November, 2019

Self Audit: my online presence

If I were a betting man, I would bet that my digital footprint is quite large. When it comes to social media, I am on the "big 4": Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram. Facebook I rarely use. The only reason I have Facebook was to contact my roommates going into freshman year, and after that I've hardly touched it. Instagram I rarely use also. I post about 3 things every 2 months or so. I tend to post sports related events or random things in my life. Twitter I use quite a bit to keep up with various events in sports, and sometimes live tweet about them. The social media app I use most is Snapchat. It's one of the quickest ways I can stay in contact with my friends back home in Pittsburgh. For this blog, I googled myself. 4 of the first 6 searches were directly linked to me: my Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube accounts. Over the years, my activity on some social medias has decreased. I used to post about 3 things a week on Instagram. Now, I post a